Make delicious sour-sweet vegetable of raw mango

Everyone eats mango with great fervor, which is why it is called the king of fruits. Mango is raw or cooked, everyone likes it. Although raw mango is quite sour in taste, but people eat it with great fervor. Apart from this, many things to eat and drink are also made from raw mangoes. Apart from different types of pickles, panna and sour-sweet chutney are also made from raw mangoes. Today we are telling you about the recipe of delicious sour-sweet vegetable of raw mango …

Ingredients needed to make Raw Mango Vegetable 

– Raw Mango
– Cumin
– Fennel Powder
– Pinch Asafoetida
– Turmeric Powder
– Red Chilli Powder
– Sugar or Jaggery
– Spoon Oil

First of all, soak raw mango in water for some time and keep it. Now peel them well and cut them into small pieces.

Now heat oil in a pan and add cumin, asafetida and splutter it. Now add turmeric powder, red chili powder and salt as per taste.

After that add the pieces of raw mango and keep it to cook well.

Cook the vegetable till the raw mango melts and keep in mind that keep stirring it in between.

After cooking the vegetable, add fennel powder and sugar and keep it covered.

Your delicious sour-sweet vegetable of raw mango is ready. Now serve it with roti or paratha with mint leaves.

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